Saturday, April 21, 2007

Moving on....

Jade is now more mobile. She gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth. We had to put her in the play yard until we get the downstairs baby-proofed, because she rolls and scoots across the room. Crawling is gonna happen soon.

The latest food that we introduced is spinach. She loves it! We did introduce a fruit, even though I said I wasn't going to. I decided that variety was more important. She likes pears, but not the applesauce I offered. I am going to try another kind. Next up is egg yolk.

Monday, April 2, 2007

More Teeth! and Other Stuff

Jade has #'s 6, 7, and 8 trying to poke through...She was hugging me the other day and put her mouth on my shoulder like usual, except she bit me!! I was so surprised, I didn't even respond!

The cloth diapers are going well. I still need a lot more to do it full time. Above are pictures of the old fashioned prefolds with the snappi and then the pink velcro cover. Quite bulky, but cute.